
The WTA was formed at the UKWhitegoods September Meeting of 2007 and a Commitee elected by those members present, with a mandate to serve a term of two years. Those two years are now coming to a close and the Membership is invited to vote upon a Commitee to serve for the next two years.

The current standing Commitee consists of:

Lawrence Carey (Lawrence)
Bryan Williams (R600A)
Jim Banks (IADOM)
Adrian Welke (Washdoctor)
Sean Delaney (Del)
Chris Chantrell (Penguin45)
Steve White (Aqualectric)

Co-opted members of the Commitee are currently:
Ken Watt (kwatt)
Ian Dales (Dales-electric)

Jim Banks and Sean Delaney wish to step down from the Commitee. I hope that the Membership will join with the Commitee in thanking them for their work over the last two years.

The Commitee requests that:

Lawrence Carey
Bryan Williams
Adrian Welke
Chris Chantrell
Steve White

be re-elected to serve a further two years.

Invitations are extended for two nominees to fill the remaining places on the Commitee. Applicants should be aware that this is not a cushy number! We pay our own way at meetings, which, including the UKW/WTA conferences, number four per year at present.

As Secretary to the Commitee, I would ask that any formal request to stand for election be made directly to myself - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - by no later than 16.8.2009.

This is the proposal of the WTA Commitee. We invite a free debate from the Membership in this thread and any alternative proposals will be fully discussed.

Chris Chantrell,
Secretary to the Commitee,
Whitegoods Trade Association.

Conference February 2020

conference This year's Conference to be held at the Yarnfield Park venue in February of 2020

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bedroomsRoom tarrif £70/£100 per night (Now includes breakfast and evening 3 course meal).

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