The WTA was formed at the UKWhitegoods September Meeting of 2007 and a Commitee elected by those members present, with a mandate to serve a term of two years. Those two years are now coming to a close and the Membership is invited to vote upon a Commitee to serve for the next two years.
The current standing Commitee consists of:
Lawrence Carey (Lawrence)
Bryan Williams (R600A)
Jim Banks (IADOM)
Adrian Welke (Washdoctor)
Sean Delaney (Del)
Chris Chantrell (Penguin45)
Steve White (Aqualectric)
Co-opted members of the Commitee are currently:
Ken Watt (kwatt)
Ian Dales (Dales-electric)
Jim Banks and Sean Delaney wish to step down from the Commitee. I hope that the Membership will join with the Commitee in thanking them for their work over the last two years.
The Commitee requests that:
Lawrence Carey
Bryan Williams
Adrian Welke
Chris Chantrell
Steve White
be re-elected to serve a further two years.
Invitations are extended for two nominees to fill the remaining places on the Commitee. Applicants should be aware that this is not a cushy number! We pay our own way at meetings, which, including the UKW/WTA conferences, number four per year at present.
As Secretary to the Commitee, I would ask that any formal request to stand for election be made directly to myself - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - by no later than 16.8.2009.
This is the proposal of the WTA Commitee. We invite a free debate from the Membership in this thread and any alternative proposals will be fully discussed.
Chris Chantrell,
Secretary to the Commitee,
Whitegoods Trade Association.